day in the life: How I run a successful business from home

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As a work-at-home entrepreneur and mom, my life is usually very full. I absolutely love what I do and love that I get to be my own boss — and, I love that I get to do it all from my studio at home!

If you’re thinking of starting your own business, are already an entrepreneur, or just want a peek behind the curtain, today you’re getting one! I’m letting you see how I run a successful business from home.

Come along — here is what an average day in my life looks like:

6AM | Rise and Shine!

The multi-tasking begins almost as soon as my eyes open. Since I still feed my baby breastmilk, I pump first thing in the morning. I use that time to ease into my mornings by gathering my thoughts, perusing Instagram, and making a to-do list for my day. (Tip: be sure to keep that to-do list realistic and actionable!)

7am | Kids are up — let’s get going!

The girls are up and at ‘em! I get them ready for daycare, give them hugs and kisses (100 apiece, at least), and head to get a coffee shop for a morning cup. 

My partner typically drops the kids off at daycare in the morning, and I pick them up at the end of the day. If my partner has an early morning meeting, I will drop them off. This routine is what works best for us right now! 


8am | The Write Stuff

This is the time I really get focused on writing blog drafts or newsletters or even journal. I don’t call myself a “writer,” but I have ideas and thoughts around my business and how I can help other entrepreneurs get creative. It’s energizing! Personally, I have to do this at a coffee shop so I am not distracted with other tasks in my home studio — the coffee shop buzz helps me get in the zone. (Tip: I usually set a timer for 15 minutes and let myself write freely — this helps get the words out.)

9am | Get the Creative Juices Flowing

Leaving the coffee shop, I’ll usually listen to a podcast while driving home. Here’s what I’m listening to these days.

Once home, I like to draw at my studio drawing desk. I’ve always kept a sketchbook, and I use this time to work on something for myself, for future passion projects, or to learn a new tool like the iPad Pro. I also use this time to check my email and respond to clients.

I recently added this simple, inexpensive drawing desk from IKEA to my studio, pictured below. I love it so far! I don’t have the distraction of a screen in front of me while I make art.


10am | work, work, work, work, work, work

At this point, I hit the ground running with client calls and projects. I may hop on a phone call with a client for design feedback or to send them new art to review. 

I meticulously use my Asana project scheduler for every project (it helps keep me sane). I schedule out every step, which helps me stay on task and keep the project rolling in order to hit the deadline. My typical projects include brand design concepts, final artwork production, and website design.

12pm | Lunchtime

It’s important for me to eat well and drink enough water in order to provide my baby — and myself! — with the nutrients we need, so I make sure to schedule in a designated lunch time. 

Once a week, I make sure to schedule lunch with a friend. This is something to look forward to, and typically results in a good laugh! It’s a great time to get my mind off of work and mom stress. Otherwise, if it’s not too hot here in Texas, I’ll take a walk outside or run a quick errand. I’ll also jump on Instagram. (Another tip: Sometimes I have to set a timer to remind me to put the phone down and get back to work!)


1pm | back to it

The Instagram timer is off, and I’m back to it! More of the same from the morning: completing projects, replying to client emails, taking client calls, etc. 

On every day except Mondays (which I set aside for admin work), I have open times for client calls. My work days are short, so it’s necessary to work those in when the kiddos aren’t home. I also research and save interesting articles or inspiring art to share on social media — sometimes I post right away, and sometimes I schedule on Planoly.

3:30pm | finish Strong

As I wrap up my workday, I always take time to write down tasks that need to get done the next day. It sets me up for a strong start in the morning! Then, I head to pick up my girls from daycare.

4:30pm | Play time

This is our playtime or our nap time — whichever we need the most! If we can color or make art during our playtime, we do it! My four-year-old has an art table where we both get creative. She’s set up with coloring books, stickers, blank paper, crayons, markers, paint, colored pencils, Play-doh—THE WORKS!

6-8pm | family Time

We enjoy our evenings together as a family, eating dinner, playing together, getting the girls bathed, and finally, off to bed.

9PM | The end — I’m tired!

Phew! The end. I’m tired. By now I’ve earned the chance to Netflix & chill! (AKA: zone out!) I almost always read a book before bed. In fact, I’ve been reading before bed since I was in junior high school! Now, it’s usually my book club pick or a self-help or motivational book. I’ve moved away from reading books on a device because the words on paper help my brain shut down.


Well, that’s it! That’s how I schedule my day to run a successful business from home and still devote time to being the best mother I can. It’s worth noting that my days do vary. Doctor appointments, school activities, etc. occur and so I must shuffle things around. As with most things in life, flexibility is key!

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