2019 Word of the Year


It’s now March and I have to be honest, it’s been rough getting back into the swing of design work with mom work.

Let’s recap last year: 2018 was hard.

I noted in this blog post that my word for 2018 was STRENGTH. Let’s just say that shit totally backfired on the personal side. I was tested in a lot of ways that I had not expected at all.

I decided to leave a company that was not filling my cup (to say the least) and found out I was pregnant two weeks later (I totally believe this was a sign!) Not only was I pregnant and in baby mode the entire year, but we moved into a new house several weeks before the birth. Planning, packing, unpacking, birth, postpartum, holidays, family. 

After a conversation with a friend about my fear of judgement, I decided that I needed some help with coping... and that it was okay to do so.  I worked on my mental health with a professional until the baby arrived.

The strength required for all of these things pulled and pushed me ALL year long.

Emotional city to say the least.

What kept me a teensy bit more sane? Designing for clients. Sitting at my sketchbook or computer and doing the thing.

When I get into my flow of design work, it is always magical.

Who would have thought that at one point in my life, work was so stressful that I didn't know what day it was? Fast forward to last year when it was the one thing grounding me.

What can I say, I'm a type A person. I like being in control of most things so I can be creative in my mind's work. What I've learned about having children was that it's not always possible to be in control. Now that there are two little ladies in the house, it's been a wild ride to get them half way organized so I can get back to doing what I love for me.

What I know for sure is that these things are temporary. Because of a crazy 2018, my word of this new year is… GRACE. 


This year is about being kind and generous to myself. When marketing my work isn’t perfect, my hair and clothes aren’t 100% clean and my kids have boogers in and around their noses, I will do my best to give myself grace and know that it’s really all going to be okay. 

I’m also taking the time to draw. It’s not award-winning but for me it is meditative. That is where my start of making things began as a child and it will forever be a huge part of my work and life.

Yes, I’ve taken four (almost five) months off from working and sharing design. But I’m here now (with my trusty breast pump) and ready to move back into work.

So that’s what is on my mind. Now I need a snack.

Let’s do this 2019!

Does this word have meaning to you? Please share in the comments!