Life is short. Celebrate often.
This is the mantra for a wonderful client's business, and I could not agree more with it.
Lauren Lane, Culinarian is a Kansas City-based business offering cooking classes with your friends, yummy recipes, party planning ideas, and lots of inspiration. Let me tell you, I have been to this girl's dinner parties - she knows what she is doing! She can entertain and cook so effortlessly that everyone has fun and everything is gorgeous with tasty food.
Lauren wanted to begin sharing all her tips and tricks with people (beyond friends and family) so that they could create a wonderful, classic gathering in your own home. With a warm and inviting ambiance, she will transform your mind into knowing, 'Hey, I could do this too.'
Warm, inviting, fun, happy, celebratory: This is Lauren Lane, through and through. Creating a brand for her involved inspiration from a rustic debossed leather texture and some of her actual photos from her own gatherings. The system resulted in this warm grouping of texture and graphic shapes with a rustic theme along the way. It was finished out all the way to a circular seal and very simple brand mark.
As a friend and former colleague, I was honored and giddy to help create a design system to use across her new cards, website, gifts, etc.
Follow her HERE and learn entertaining tips to host some effortless gatherings with your family and friends. I can't wait to see what is on the horizon for this girl!