Ever since my days in art school, I've had music in my ears while I make. Make what, you ask? Well, then it was a 3 hour life drawing class. Now, it's designing on paper & on my computer, answering emails, and researching.
Then and now (well as of lately) I've been on an instrumental kick -- of piano music! When the baby arrived over 8 months ago, I found the Jim Brickman Children's Lullaby Pandora station and yes, it's playing as I write this. My mom gifted the JB CD with the same title and my immediate reaction was 'Where am I going to play this CD?' We don't even have a stereo anymore! Yet, the car has one still. The CD went there and the station plays on the house sound system via wi-fi (fancy!).
We had a piano growing up and my mom played a LOT. I took some piano lessons way back then and had recitals to confirm I was learning something. Maybe that is where I inherited my love for piano.
You may be thinking Children's Lullaby's = snooze-fest. However, I'm going to tell you why, after I change to many stations, I keep coming back to this one:
1. It plays the song we had our first dance to at our wedding: Bless the Broken Road. Aww... warm fuzzies!
2. Coldplay. It plays Coldplay instrumental!
3. It plays Cannon in D, a SUPER popular walking-down-the-aisle song. Yes, it was mine, too. I also did a ballet dance to this in high school, so it brings all the juicy mental stuff back to mind.
4. With these and the lullaby's mixed in, my mood is calm. i can hear the puppy snoozing too (snooze-fest for real!).
What do you listen to while you are working?
Do you switch things around or keep coming back to something?
Please share!