A Project to Bring Me Back to Art
Everyone breezes over it like its a minor thing. Until you are in it, you have no idea. I know I certainly felt this way. Most of the time, it showed up as anger, frustration, and tears.
Postpartum depression. Don’t talk about it. Just write her off as one of ‘those’ moms.
Small kiddos want what they want when they want it. And I was soooo good at serving their needs before mine. I still am today.
What I would ask myself is what is my role as a mom AND as a designer/artist AND as a business owner? There is no guidebook, no checklist, no right or wrong way to figure it out.
I love my babies, that is for sure. I wanted to be a mom - also for sure.
Some days the figuring it out looked like brainstorming the little ways I knew of how to keep a business running. Other days it was making and preparing enough breast milk and solid food for the day.
When I was feeling so wrapped up in caring for my small humans, sometimes I could only muster up enough energy to draw on the iPad for 15 minutes.
Many of the words/sayings I started to digitally draw were messages to myself that I had written in my journal every so often. Over time, I would scroll back through the drawings and see the theme of motivation. The act of making each one in a lettering format was what was keeping me going every day. I also looked back at all my former paper sketchbooks and find drawings and little scratches that I could use.
Work in Progress
As I talked more openly about PPD with friends, family and healthcare professionals, I heard the reality that I wasn’t alone and that PPD shows up in many many ways for different people. In an effort to unite all of us struggling, I knew I had to share these tiny motivations and not hide them in my office.
Are the things perfect? No.
Are they personal? Absolutely.
My type-A-ness has halted me from putting my own art out there. But with the inspiration from a brave and motivated local artist community, I’ve learned that testing and changing was going to go into this too.
If I am making art for myself to get through the days/weeks/months, maybe it can offer a glimmer of hope for you or someone you know who is struggling in any way.
You can now purchase a physical poster (and NEW stickers!) on my website (click images below) and I will hand ship it! I also plan to add more over time.